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Summary Statistics

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Disease Distributions

Subjects are grouped into distributions according to the way they were ascertained for their respective studies. This should not be confused with clinical diagnoses. Subjects in the Nicotine Dependence distribution, for example, may or may not be diagnosed with Nicotine Dependence. By default, all distributions are used.

Clinical Diagnoses

The definition of "Affected" depends on the study. The definition for the primary phenotype of each study is shown in the study breakdown section below unless hidden via the option above.


Alcohol Dependence:

Cannabis Dependence:

Cocaine Dependence:

Nicotine Dependence:

Opioid Dependence:

Sedative Dependence:

Stimulant Dependence:

Other Dependence:


Alcohol Abuse:

Cannabis Abuse:

Cocaine Abuse:

Opioid Abuse:

Sedative Abuse:

Stimulant Abuse:

Other Abuse:

Multiple Diagnosis Logic*: OR AND

*Example: when OR is selected, if you select both Nicotine and Alcohol dependence you get statistics for the combined set Nicotine-dependent subjects and Alcohol-dependent subjects. When AND is selected, you get statistics for subjects that are both Nicotine-dependent and Alcohol-dependent.

Demographics, Biomaterials and Clinical Instruments


Age:Between and

Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity:

Has DNA:

Cell Types:

Cell Types Logic: OR AND

Cell type descriptions can be found here.

Clinical Instrument(s):

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Breakdown by Disease Distribution

Cell type descriptions (LCLs, CPLs, etc) can be found here.

Distribution Subjects With DNA Plasma LCLs CPLs Whole Blood
Opioid-Cocaine Dependence 7,007 5,344 (76%) 0 ( 0%) 2,128 (30%) 4,922 (70%) 2,879 (41%)
Total 7,007 5,344 (76%) 0 ( 0%) 2,128 (30%) 4,922 (70%) 2,879 (41%)

Demographics, DNA and Clinical Instruments

Item Value
Subjects 7,007
With DNA 5,344 (76%)
Instrument: DSM-IV 5,254 (75%)
Instrument: Unknown 1,753 (25%)
Females / Males / Unknown 2,958 (42%) / 4,028 (57%) / 21 (0%)
Age Average: 40.0, Min: 17, Max: 79

Self-Identified Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Subjects
African-American 3,137 (45%)
White Non-Hispanic 2,410 (34%)
Other 1,034 (15%)
White Hispanic 391 ( 6%)
American Indian 26 ( 0%)
Asian 5 ( 0%)
Pacific Islander 3 ( 0%)
Missing 1 ( 0%)

Cell Types

Cell type descriptions (LCLs, CPLs, etc) can be found here.

Cell Type Subjects
LCL 2,128 (30%)
CPL 4,922 (70%)
LCL gDNA 2,064 (29%)
WB gDNA 3,062 (44%)
Plasma 0 ( 0%)
Whole Blood 2,879 (41%)


Disease Affected* Unaffected Other
Alcohol Dependence 1,024 (15%) 642 ( 9%) 5,341 (76%)
Cannabis Dependence 569 ( 8%) 1,122 (16%) 5,316 (76%)
Cocaine Dependence 4,527 (65%) 582 ( 8%) 1,898 (27%)
Nicotine Dependence 1,271 (18%) 634 ( 9%) 5,102 (73%)
Opioid Dependence 2,749 (39%) 2,129 (30%) 2,129 (30%)
Other Drug Dependence 329 ( 5%) 1,497 (21%) 5,181 (74%)
Sedative Dependence 141 ( 2%) 1,707 (24%) 5,159 (74%)
Stimulant Dependence 131 ( 2%) 1,734 (25%) 5,142 (73%)
Alcohol Abuse 447 ( 6%) 632 ( 9%) 5,928 (85%)
Cannabis Abuse 351 ( 5%) 1,112 (16%) 5,544 (79%)
Cocaine Abuse 146 ( 2%) 582 ( 8%) 6,279 (90%)
Opioid Abuse 119 ( 2%) 2,129 (30%) 4,759 (68%)
Other Drug Abuse 93 ( 1%) 1,497 (21%) 5,417 (77%)
Sedative Abuse 82 ( 1%) 1,708 (24%) 5,217 (74%)
Stimulant Abuse 70 ( 1%) 1,734 (25%) 5,203 (74%)

*The definition of affected depends on the study and is shown in the study breakdown below (unless hidden via the option above).

Breakdown by NIDA Studies

Cell type descriptions (LCLs, CPLs, etc) can be found here. The "Definition of Affected" refers to the primary phenotype of the study.

Opioid-Cocaine Dependence
Study Name PI Definition of Affected N With DNA Plasma LCLs CPLs Whole Blood
1 Genetics of Opioid Dependence Joel Gelernter DSM Opioid or Cocaine Dependence 6,511 4,848 (74%) 0 ( 0%) 2,118 (33%) 4,705 (72%) 2,785 (43%)
20 Innovative Approaches for Cocaine Pharmacotherapy Henry Kranzler DSM Opioid or Cocaine Dependence 496 496 (100%) 0 ( 0%) 10 ( 2%) 217 (44%) 94 (19%)
Total 7,007 5,344 (76%) 0 ( 0%) 2,128 (30%) 4,922 (70%) 2,879 (41%)

cell_file version: 2023-11-14 #2